CCU Project

Lab 04 • Group 5

This website was built to document the process and making of the
User Centered Design's 2023/2024 project.

Assistander Team

Filipa Magalhães


Project Manager
Tiago Antunes


User Research Lead
Mafalda Ribeiro


Design Lead
Bernardo Santos


Front-end Developer
João Ivo


Front-end Developer

Assignment #1

Research Synthesis
Assignment #1
Hunt Statement
We are going to research the financial habits, challenges and preferences of young adults entering the workforce, using semi-structured interviews, so that we can learn how to help them manage their savings while keeping them updated on current inflation.
Research Plan
#1  Story Interview

10-15 minute semi-structured interview regarding 5 main topics to gain more insights on the spending/saving habits and financial awareness, according to different backgrounds.

Spending and Saving

• What are your primary expenses, and how do you prioritize them?
• Tell me about your savings goals or financial milestones you're aiming to achieve.
• How do you decide how much to save from each paycheck?

Financial Challenges

• What financial challenges or concerns do you anticipate as you begin your career?
• Are there any particular aspects of managing finances that you find difficult or confusing?

Financial Tools

• What are the financial topics you wish you knew more about?
• How do you typically manage your finances using technology (apps, online tools, etc.)?

Inflation and Economic Awareness

• Which source do you use to educate yourself about personal finance?
• How does inflation impact your finances?
• What measures, if any, do you currently take to stay informed about economic changes

Long-Term Planning

• How do you envision your financial priorities evolving over the next few years?

#2  Synthesis Wall

Jamboard Whiteboard platform with the interviewees answers in key points to synthesize all data to gather differing perspectives and derive conclusions from the responses provided by the interviewees.

Data Analysis & Data Synthesis
Data Synthesis

Jimmy Timmy • Male, 22 years old

Education: Recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing.
1st Job: Full-time as a remote Junior Sales Coordinator at a tech startup.

Financial Impact:
Jimmy is excited about his first job but is adjusting to the demands of a fast-paced work environment. The transition to full-time employment brings new financial responsibilities, such as rent and utilities.
Limited Financial Knowledge: Jimmy feels uncertain about managing his finances effectively, especially with concerns about inflation affecting his purchasing power.

Anita Bath • Female, 25 years old

Education: Recently graduated with a Master's degree in Physics.
1st Job: Full-time as a Software Developer at a company away from his hometown.

Transition to a New Field: While adapting to the software development role, Anita is worried about the learning curve, understanding new technologies, and effectively applying his skills in a different field.
Adapting to Cost of Living: Anita is concerned about managing expenses (rent, transportation and day-to-day costs) after relocating for her new job.

Mary Juana • Female, 21 years old

Education: Currently doing a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering.
1st Job: Part-time as a Professor Assistant at her university.

Financial Strain of Part-Time Work: Working part-time may provide some income, but juggling tuition, living expenses, and other financial responsibilities makes it hard to maintain financial stability.
Work-Life Balance and Wellbeing: The demands of academic studies and part-time work leads to concerns to prevent burnout and ensure a healthy balance between work, studies, and personal life.

Ideas Overview
Main Ideas

Assignment #2

First Sketches
User Evaluation #1

Initial sketches shown to 4 interviewees to present the features we had envisioned, based on their preciously expressed concerns.

Qualitative Questions

• Do you consider that you would benefit from this app?
• What features did you find most useful?
• Is there any feature you feel is missing from the app?
• Are there any features that you didn’t like?
• Are there any features that you didn’t feel comfortable with?

First Iteration
User Evaluation #2 • Wizard of Oz

We tested our Low-Fidelity Prototype with 5 users (4 previously interviewed and 1 additional from the group target) using the paper prototype.

Team Roles

• 1 interviewer
• 2 note-takers
• 1 as the "Back-End"
(The roles would change for each evaluation)


• Setup an account
• Identify your goal status
• Ask Flamy the financial outlook for next week
• Check the latest news and change the news topics
• Change your monthly income

Changes • Low -> Mid
Mid-Fidelity Prototype
Assignment #2
Second Iteration
User Evaluation #3 • Wizard of Oz

We tested our Mid-Fidelity Prototype with 5 users using Figma.

Team Roles

• 1 interviewer
• 2 note-takers
(The roles would change for each evaluation)


• Setup an account
• Identify your goal status
• Ask Flamy the financial outlook for next week
• Check the latest news and change the news topics
• Get a news summary
• Say that you’re “Not Interested” in the most recent news
• Change your monthly income

Changes • Mid -> High
Evaluation Plan

Our goal is to understand if the group target user's needs were mainly satisfied, to get some feedback regarding the app’s aesthetics and to explore in detail possible extra features that could also come as useful.

Mid-Fidelity Prototype

• 5 User Evaluations

High-Fidelity Prototype

• 3 User Evaluations (interviewed in the research phase)
• 2 other users from the group target

Final Prototype

• 5 User Evaluations (interviewed in the research phase)
• 2 other users from the group target

Assignment #3

High-Fidelity Prototype
Assignment #3
Third Iteration

This design was inspired by Santander's brand and bank app aesthetics: colors, components and typeface.

Changes Details • Mid -> High
Setup Account
User Evaluation #4 • Wizard of Oz

We tested our High-Fidelity Prototype with 5 users using Figma (3 from research phase and 2 others from the group target).

Team Roles

• 1 interviewer
• 2 note-takers
(The roles would change for each evaluation)


• Setup an account
• Identify your goal status
• Ask Flamy the financial outlook for next week
• Check the latest news and change the news topics
• Get a news summary
• Say that you’re “Not Interested” in the most recent news
• Change your monthly income
• Save the latest news and access “Saved News” tab
• Ask for Savings Guidance and confirm that the support was useful
• Check starred messages saved from the chatbot

Assignment #3
Possible Future Implementations

• Add more authentication methods to Login (FaceID, PIN)
• Option to choose a topic for the news summary when asking for the news summary
• Option in settings to turn dark and colorblind mode
• "Feed" the fire with the number of times the user has used the app (show a counter)
• Option to have a weekly/monthly report of spendings and tips on budgeting in different categories